Life is Busy. Leadership Is Tough.
Competing priorities. Multiple demands on your time. Life is busy, and noisy, and it can be tough to find time to set clear goals and make plans - let alone stick to them long enough to make them happen.
Add to that the pressures of leading others and managing stakeholders and we can quickly lose focus on the things that matter most.
Many leaders struggle to find safe, professional spaces in which they can process ideas, dreams, fears and worries, and work to get clear on their goals and priorities.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Individual Leadership Coaching
We offer high-quality coaching and training for humans everywhere.
We can help you discover your Strengths and become the best ‘you’ that you can be.
We can help you create teams, organisations and communities where humans flourish and lives are transformed.

Great Coaching Will Help You:
Gain clarity and focus on what is truly important.
Think ‘out loud’ in a safe, professional environment.
Discover the great wisdom, talent and strength you already possess.
Make a lasting impact on the world.
If you want to know how to bring your best to this difficult season, Andy, and his team at lifeincolour are the place to go. Incredibly encouraging and enabling, they have a knack of showing you how even qualities that seem like faults to you can be strengths to bring to the table for such a time as this.
Our Coaches Are:
Our coaches understand the challenges and pressures of leadership. We’ve experienced the fears and the joys, the battles and the breakthroughs. Our team has over 20 years of hands-on experience in leading people, teams and organisations. We have coached leaders and teams in business, government, education, faith-based and non-profit sectors.
We are passionate about ongoing learning and professional development. We have academic qualifications in a range of fields including leadership, psychology, behavioural science and HR. We have professional certifications in coaching, leadership coaching and CliftonStrengths coaching.
We strive to work with the highest levels of integrity and professionalism. Every conversation is confidential and safe. Our number one goal is to coach and encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
lifeincolour coaching helped me to walk through one of the toughest seasons of my life. It really assisted me to return to a much more positive headspace and to think through and discern my priorities for the next big season of my life.

Getting Started with Coaching
One. Schedule a free initial meeting.
We offer all potential coaching clients a free initial meeting - in person or via video conference. This helps you to get to know us, and us to get to know you. It also helps us to explain a bit more about the coaching process and what you can expect from us.
Two. Reflect on your coaching goals and needs.
Following our initial meeting, we’ll give you some reflection questions and exercises to help you take time to think about what you’re hoping to achieve through coaching, and whether coaching is the right thing for you right now.
Three. We Start Coaching.
Once we are all clear on your goals and needs then we can begin our coaching journey. Regular coaching sessions last about one hour and take place online or face-to-face.
What is Coaching?
lifeincolour coaching is designed to help you develop your innate potential, experience breakthrough in life, lead more effectively and make a valuable contribution in all of life - at work, in relationships, in your local community.
Coaching sessions are usually 60 minutes in length, and take place at least once per month, online, on the phone or face-to-face.
Key Distinctives of lifeincolour Coaching
lifeincolour coaching is oriented around you, the client. We're focused on your goals, your growth, your development and your actions. You set the agenda; we shape the process and create the environment to get you there.
lifeincolour coaching places a high value on developing trust and rapport between coach and client and on creating a genuine and authentic coaching relationship.
Discovery learning
Rather than just telling you what to do, we ask questions to help the you discover answers for yourself. Good, powerful, open questions assist you in exploring underlying assumptions and motivations which would not otherwise be apparent. This process of asking questions helps you to consider different perspectives and to discover greater focus and clarity.
lifeincolour coaching is a personalised approach to training. We tailor the coaching process around you, your needs, your context, your strengths and your personality.
We take a holistic approach to coaching, focusing not only on your performance, but also on you as a person. We're interested in you living the best life you possibly can; at work and everywhere else.
Action-orientated and future focused
We focus on looking forward and getting you moving. What would it look like to move towards that goal? How will you respond? What might some practical next-steps look like? We're committed to helping you take action to move towards your goals.
“lifeincolour helped me clarify my career goals by building my self-confidence and understanding of my interests. I definitely feel more in control and happier with my day to day life. I find I have more energy to focus on the tasks and issues that are most important to me, and I have developed a much deeper understanding of myself. I feel a deep inner confidence about the path I am on and am happier about the differences between me and other people.”

Why would I want a coach?
Eight reasons why leaders need coaches:
Leaders get stuck in routine and need help to break out of that and reflect more broadly on their practice
Leaders benefit greatly from having a voice that comes from outside of their everyday context
Leaders benefit from having a safe relationship in which to process verbally their ideas, fears, dreams, worries etc.
Leaders struggle to gain clarity by themselves. Coaches help a leader gain clarity
Leaders struggle to find the determination to pull off everything they want to do by themselves. Coaches help a leader to execute what they want to get done
Leaders benefit greatly from the accountability which coaching provides and are therefore able to action, consistently, the next steps they have identified
Leaders struggle to understand themselves well on their own. A coach asking challenging questions helps a leader to understand themselves better
Leaders benefit far more from training input when it is coupled with ongoing, on-the-job coaching, than they do from training alone
“I valued the way that Andy dug a bit deeper with some of the questions and was able to steer conversation into getting me to process stuff that needed it.”